But I still unsure with the reason for wanting to pursue a new path. Is it because of the downsizing? As my current company has merged with HP and the bad economy affects all. Is not that I dislike my current position and daily tasks...well, I do have all the free times I needed such as a tea break, longer lunch hrs, and work from home.
I do feel as though I'm exhausted the steps of the corporate ladder, and that I cannot move up anymore. There's no increment and with the low pay which caused me to move on??? If that's the case, then I might want to change settings, and start a fresh in a job that allows me to grow professionally and financially.
These days we are more likely to hang on to our car lease longer than our career. In today's workplace, the average young professional burns through nearly three jobs in the first five years of our career.
Once I ever think of when we're past on our first job and actually in the career world, moving into another profession is a lot easier than getting our foot in the door for the very first time. In my point of view, our degree only buys us an initial interview, thereafter it's all about what we actually accomplished and the skills we have learned.
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